Dr. Duke is a frequent speaker at trading conferences and webinar events. Check him out and see a sample of the quality of Dr. Duke's coaching. You will see a difference! We aren't claiming we have "the Holy Grail of Trading" or any such nonsense. You are entering the "No Hype Zone"!

Dr. Duke gives you the tools to build a viable trading business.
Dr. Duke's Trading Group will meet again on Thursday, February 6th, at 8:00 pm CT.
The overall market is reviewed at each meeting, together with the trades recommended in the Flying With The Condor™ service and Dr. Duke's Trading Group. Trading group members often suggest topics for discussion or stocks for analysis. Dr. Duke is careful to explain how he selects his trades, how the trade is positioned, adjusted and then closed. This trading group provides an excellent ongoing trading education. Questions and discussion are welcomed.

Comments from trading group attendees:

"Your stock selection has been terrific, and the results have been incredible. I'm getting the best spread trading results I've ever had thanks to you."

"Your Thursday night meetings are quite good. I have attended other similar meetings and despite being completely enthralled with the market found them to be quite boring and basically no more informative than what I could have done. Yours seem to fly by and I felt like I was actually getting something I could use."

"Just had an opportunity to view the download of Thursday night's session. Wanted to let you know how thoughtful your analysis was. You are really helping me develop a more methodical approach to my view of Mr. Market."

If you are interested, but can't quite pull the trigger, send us a note and we will send you a recording of our most recent trading group meeting and you can check it out without any risk.

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